Splunk docker container with Trunk, built with Packer and Terraform

I don’t work at Splunk anymore, but I still do some freelance consulting, and so I thought I would share one of my old side projects, Trunk.

I am providing a couple of Github repos so that you can create and run your own Splunk instance with Trunk preconfigured to index Trello webhooks in your own AWS account. When the container starts, it subscribes to open Trello boards that are accessible with the Trello credential you provide.

The Trunk app, which provides status report dashboards.

Trello data is indexed by TA-trello-webhook, which subscribes to the Trello webhook API. The webhooks-input app creates an input which receives the events from the Trello API so that they can be indexed by Splunk.

The trunk_container repo uses Packer to create a docker container for local development and production deployment to AWS using ECR. Clone this repo and add your Trello API key/token.

The trunk_aws_fargate repo uses that container to create a single-instance Splunk environment in a new AWS VPC in your account. The container is pre-configured to subscribe to Trello and index Trello activity right away!